Thursday, October 8, 2009

Top 10 Asian Stereotype from this guy.......


Ok this one is simple. He gonna name some Asian stereotypes and I will answer them. From #10 to #1.

#10- Asians are smart and are good at Math.

Answer: False. There is balance in the world. For example some people are athletic and some aren't. And just like Asians there are some smart Asians and there are also not so bright Asians. Like said before, white/black people who sat around me during math exams have failed including me.

#9- Asians always throw up their peace signs.

Answer: False. I don't know where this comes from but Asian DO NOT do peace signs. Here are some proofs:

#8- Asians eat dogs.

Answer: False, but you can try and prove me wrong. I have owned 5 dogs so far and none them have ever come close into my belly.

#7- Asians love Anime.

Answer: Maybe. I am not sure about this one. I know anime are originated in Japan, so I am guessing they do, because I used to be so obsessed with Dragon Ball and Pokemon. Wait white people also like anime as well.

#6- All Asians are video game nerds.

Answer: Very untrue. I do love video games but to be video game nerds I believe you will have to play non stop (3-4 hrs or more). Its almost impossible for Asians, because their are parents are academically demanding. If you don't do as follow you get whipped.

(One angry Asian)

#5- All Asians look alike.

Answer: Maybe. I think I know where this comes from because sometime I can't tell white/black/asian people apart also. But that does not mean we looked alike. Each individual is unique. Here are some PICS.

#4- Asians are bad drivers.

Answer: False. Japanese discover drifting. If they were bad at driving, how the hell the drift? Read this blog for more info.

#3- Asians have small....... eyes!

Answer: False. Not all Asians have small eyes. Look at pics below.

(Weird, she does not have small eyes)

#2- Asians go crazy for rice.

Answers:False. They do eat rice for most of their meals, but they do not go crazy for rice.

#1- Asians LipSync like no other.

Answer: False. I know I can't do it. You must be a trained professional.

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