Friday, September 18, 2009


I hate how the American society portrays Asians to be very timid nature and academically superior, unfortunately that is not true. Every society has a balance of those who are bright and than those aren't. Unfortunately I am in the "not so bright category". Why? Because I am the odd one in my Asian group, all of them perform better than me academically. Because of them all the people around me in my class have failed many exams. But that is on lighter side, after once they found out that they failed their exams there comes the unnecessary troubles: harassment. You get things like " How did you failed your exams?" and " You gotta live up to your Asian quota." Let me tell something Asians aren't timid we are just peaceful people who does not want unnecessary troubles, but that does not mean we won't retaliate. I believe Jet Li or Jackie Chan can make it very clear. So how do I deal with harrassments? The answer is "*&%@# off!" ( I want this blog to be as friendly as possible.) I mean I feel bad enough already failing my exams, but I have to be constantly reminded by duesh bags who aren't exactly that bright either. Although many of you would rebuttal both Jet Li and Jackie Chan are both action movie actors and would not be credible in our case, but there are Asian gangsters out in the world believe or not. "Lesson: Don't steal cars from Asian gangster" by Jackson Holtz from The Associated Press portrays the consequences of stealing an Asian's car. It all started when four guys set out and stole a Honda Civic outside of Walmart, what they did not know was it belonged to an Asian gangster. Until the thieves found an AK-47 and a 9 mm pistol in the car. The Asian guy retaliated by sending their men out to hunt for the thieves. The thieves eventually got frightened and decided to return the car which resulted violent.

Hierarchy of the Triad

The thieves ended up in the hospital with many major injuries in their body such as broken bones and hemorrhages. This article summarize that Asian can retaliate and you should not be taken lightly. Click here for more info. Hopefully this article will give you a new perspective on Asians.

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