Friday, September 18, 2009

How Does media/society defines Asians?

Video 1 Video 2

Before we get into a heated debate I would you like to watch one of the following video above. As you can see how the media portray of us Asians. Doesn't it make us proud and jump with joy? NO! Because Asians do not do things like the media had portrayed. Thanks to the media the mass majority begin to believe that it is proper for them to greet Orientals that way. Let me begin on what Asians DO NOT do. We DO NOT do the "hands together Buddha thing" when we greet people. Some of us might be polite and go with the flow, but if you were go to China town and do that. you won't be coming out in one piece. That is how much it annoys us. Secondly, even if you were Buddhist we still don't greet people like that. Lastly, there is a huge percentage of Asians that are Christians like my roommate for example. It is true origami originate somewhere in Asia but that does not mean we all know how to fold paper animals. In fact most of us only know how to fold paper airplanes, like many Americans. We DO NOT eat animal's genitalia, such as a brown goat's penis, to cure illnesses. We might have done that five thousand years ago but due to advance science we DO NOT go around castrating animals. Yes, that means we USE Tylenol when we are not feeling well.

Like many of you have seen the Olympics on television, you all know Asians are extremely strong in sport like ping pong. Thus the media portrays all Asians are good at ping pong. I can guarantee you that is not true because I SUCK at ping pong. Then why do Asians on television are insanely good at ping pong? In this world there is something called talent. Everyone on have their own specialty that is what makes each individual unique. Since Asia has 3/4 of the world population thus it has larger pool of talented people. The next one is huge. Many Americans believe Asians are ninjas. Unfortunately this is false. Believe me I wish I am a ninja, but no matter how hard I train to be a ninja I can never live up to the media's standard. I personally believe ninjas have been extinct (maybe 99.999999%) because guns are more efficient at killing then ninjas. Lastly I will tell you something Asians DO do; that is we Do eat rice, just as much as white people eat wheat such as bread.

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