Friday, October 2, 2009

Dat Phan!

I am not sure if any of you know this Asian comedian, Dat Phan. Well it does not matter because I will show you one of his stand up anyway. Click Here. As you can hear, he tells jokes about Asians. Like usual I will decipher his content, feel free to rebuttal.

Dat Phan is probably the funniest comedian I have heard so far in my life and I will probably will not criticize him as much because most of his jokes are legit. As much as I hate to admit but each Asian ethnicity have our own trademark or specialty. Like Dat Phan has stated; the Chinese open chinese restaurants, the Japanese make VCRs, and the Vietnamese does pedicare. Now how did that happen, even I do not know. Everyone knows Asians have their own martial styles. Similarly to Dat Phan I have also encounter people who assume all Asians know martial arts, but I do not. Just because we have Jackie Chan and Jet Li does not mean the all Asians are kunfu masters. In fact I get those remarks so much that I took time to learn some martial art just so I would not be annoyed when does remarks comes again. But you got to admit getting one of those remark while taking a leak is pretty funny.

Asian parents tend to judge by everything by it's cover, so when if they walked into a gay neighborhood they would think that the neighborhood is great. Why because the guys would be friendly towards other guys and vice versa, that is only if they did not noticed this is a gay neighborhood. Asian parents would promote gay relationship, they absolutely hated it. Because like most Asian parents, they all want to be grandparents someday, the sooner the better (Don't ask me, I don't know either). If you are gay, you definitely have just destroy their goal in life. They will hate you for life, even as far as disowning you. If you have not realized, Asians have large family (Look at China and India) because parents' of your parents followed the same tradition of having lots of grandchildren.

Savings. It is huge in an Asian family. Why? It is because they grew up starving. Back in the mid 1990s, the Asia has gone through major reformation (wars, civil wars, ect). Parents at that time could not provide sufficient foods for their family. They live through those times with fear of starvation and that fear had ingrained in them through all this time. Thus savings (coupons) became their everyday life. This is their way to fight starvation (fear). Because most Americans did not go through those hard times, it is hard for them to understand. Consequently, they joke about that and became another stereotype about Asians.

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