Friday, September 25, 2009

What makes it worse?

Before I began, I like to announce my beef with The content of my last post was not copy and paste from that site. Anyway that website has an enormous amount of content. It would be hard and a lot of efforts to go to that website to steal content. So before you go off and make more wild accusations, maybe read the content of my blog next time.

Anyway back to topic. Look at this guy from youtube. Click here for video. People like him contributed to the Asian stereotype the most. People like him can magnify their voice easily through the internet. Now I am not saying all of his words are false, but judging from this video I have to disagree on something. He views a lot of Asian loves to use online massive gaming terms when he tries to mimic native or fluent English speaking Asians. This leads to Asians love massive online gaming. Which is not true, a fair percentage of Asians utterly despise massive online games like world of warcraft. We do like going out and play sports like basketball or football. Secondly, we would never go insult a random bystander with quotes like," Pwnage and noob." We would never want to touch other people's penis let alone cutting off their "eggroll". Finally, we DO NOT want other people to bow to Asians. Bowing is just not an Asian thing in the twenty-first century. Asians would rather have them get down on the floor begging rather than bowing. That is if he really despises you.

Personally people do not pick fights with people because as we grow we become more mature. It seems like in the video Asians love insulting other people. That is not true! Or else some country in Asia would start many wars or all of us are like Hitler who hates people who are not German. So this concludes that people have common sense (including Asians), we do not insult random people. We do not use gaming term every time we open our mouth. Lastly Asians do like sport. By the way love basketball and football. See you next week!

Friday, September 18, 2009

How Does media/society defines Asians?

Video 1 Video 2

Before we get into a heated debate I would you like to watch one of the following video above. As you can see how the media portray of us Asians. Doesn't it make us proud and jump with joy? NO! Because Asians do not do things like the media had portrayed. Thanks to the media the mass majority begin to believe that it is proper for them to greet Orientals that way. Let me begin on what Asians DO NOT do. We DO NOT do the "hands together Buddha thing" when we greet people. Some of us might be polite and go with the flow, but if you were go to China town and do that. you won't be coming out in one piece. That is how much it annoys us. Secondly, even if you were Buddhist we still don't greet people like that. Lastly, there is a huge percentage of Asians that are Christians like my roommate for example. It is true origami originate somewhere in Asia but that does not mean we all know how to fold paper animals. In fact most of us only know how to fold paper airplanes, like many Americans. We DO NOT eat animal's genitalia, such as a brown goat's penis, to cure illnesses. We might have done that five thousand years ago but due to advance science we DO NOT go around castrating animals. Yes, that means we USE Tylenol when we are not feeling well.

Like many of you have seen the Olympics on television, you all know Asians are extremely strong in sport like ping pong. Thus the media portrays all Asians are good at ping pong. I can guarantee you that is not true because I SUCK at ping pong. Then why do Asians on television are insanely good at ping pong? In this world there is something called talent. Everyone on have their own specialty that is what makes each individual unique. Since Asia has 3/4 of the world population thus it has larger pool of talented people. The next one is huge. Many Americans believe Asians are ninjas. Unfortunately this is false. Believe me I wish I am a ninja, but no matter how hard I train to be a ninja I can never live up to the media's standard. I personally believe ninjas have been extinct (maybe 99.999999%) because guns are more efficient at killing then ninjas. Lastly I will tell you something Asians DO do; that is we Do eat rice, just as much as white people eat wheat such as bread.


I hate how the American society portrays Asians to be very timid nature and academically superior, unfortunately that is not true. Every society has a balance of those who are bright and than those aren't. Unfortunately I am in the "not so bright category". Why? Because I am the odd one in my Asian group, all of them perform better than me academically. Because of them all the people around me in my class have failed many exams. But that is on lighter side, after once they found out that they failed their exams there comes the unnecessary troubles: harassment. You get things like " How did you failed your exams?" and " You gotta live up to your Asian quota." Let me tell something Asians aren't timid we are just peaceful people who does not want unnecessary troubles, but that does not mean we won't retaliate. I believe Jet Li or Jackie Chan can make it very clear. So how do I deal with harrassments? The answer is "*&%@# off!" ( I want this blog to be as friendly as possible.) I mean I feel bad enough already failing my exams, but I have to be constantly reminded by duesh bags who aren't exactly that bright either. Although many of you would rebuttal both Jet Li and Jackie Chan are both action movie actors and would not be credible in our case, but there are Asian gangsters out in the world believe or not. "Lesson: Don't steal cars from Asian gangster" by Jackson Holtz from The Associated Press portrays the consequences of stealing an Asian's car. It all started when four guys set out and stole a Honda Civic outside of Walmart, what they did not know was it belonged to an Asian gangster. Until the thieves found an AK-47 and a 9 mm pistol in the car. The Asian guy retaliated by sending their men out to hunt for the thieves. The thieves eventually got frightened and decided to return the car which resulted violent.

Hierarchy of the Triad

The thieves ended up in the hospital with many major injuries in their body such as broken bones and hemorrhages. This article summarize that Asian can retaliate and you should not be taken lightly. Click here for more info. Hopefully this article will give you a new perspective on Asians.