Friday, November 13, 2009

I think he is a NINJA!!!!!!!!

We all know our world is filled with unique people. Some people just want to mix in with the society. That is what Liu Bolin does the best. Bolin is Chinese artist who love to disappear in his work. Here is an example:

Clearly you can see he does lots of infiltration in china. I mean why else you need to blend in behind the cannon unless you want to steal. Obviously, there is ninja’s blood in his vein. Before every mission he would spend 10 hours painting himself with expert precision making him unnoticeable anywhere he goes. But sometimes a mission is just too much for one guy, which is why he has his own stealth unit to finish the job.

His spying technique would put the many investigation organization to shame by going up close and personal. Seriously no one would notice him even if you were next to him by the bus stop.

But sometimes it is good to have people notice you especially if you are on the road or on the track or in front of a bull dozer. Just make you sure you don’t become another road kill that is barely noticeable even after death.

Hey sometimes things just do not the way you think it would go, but what matters is perseverance. Even if Bolin was caught he would not budge. Thus leave the law enforcer even more confused and the audience more awed.

Hopefully next time you see the flag of China, you would not think of ninjas, but Lui Bolin.

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